DAY 1: We, Humans are Creatures of Averages — Why that can be bad
In his book “12 Rules for Life,” Jordan Peterson delves into the notion of order, exploring the rule “Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping.” Embedded within this rule is a profound consideration of familiarity, our comfort with what we understand, both geographically and conceptually — as we see from the book.
Consider the concept of familiarity itself. What breeds familiarity, and why do we become accustomed to certain things? Through experience, we learn that repetition breeds familiarity. But how and why does repetition cultivate this sense of comfort within us?
Enter the idea that we humans are creatures of averaging. Averaging our experiences, surroundings, and concepts becomes a survival mechanism ingrained within our brains to navigate the natural world. We create patterns to better relate to our environment, seeking order amidst chaos.
However, life is rarely straightforward. Familiarity resides within the realm of order, while unfamiliarity — its opposite — lies within the domain of chaos. What happens when our patterns are disrupted? When we step into the unknown, whether it is taking a job in an unfamiliar city or approaching someone we perceive as out of our league?
In those moments, we are plunged into chaos. Yet, within chaos lies infinite possibility. Here, control dissipates, freeing us from the entitlement that life owes us something. Chaos becomes a realm of potential, where anything can manifest.
In essence, discomfort arises from unfamiliarity, but it is within this discomfort that true growth occurs. By embracing chaos, we learn to detach ourselves from the illusion of control. Life’s goal is not control but living fully. To achieve this, we must become familiar with chaos itself, understanding that chaos and order are two sides of the same coin.
In embracing chaos, we discover the freedom to mold our lives according to our desires, unlocking the true essence of living.