The Debate Diaries: Tales from the Tab Master’s Notebook (DAY 12)
As the tab master at a recent high school debate tournament, I could not help but notice a trend: the results consistently favoured the model A schools. This pattern is not a mere coincidence; it has become a systemic issue.
The students from these schools exude a certain confidence and entitlement, almost as if victory is their birthright. Having attended schools that are far from the model A status (an opportunity I am grateful for), I have witnessed this firsthand.
It is not just about winning debates; it is about a mindset — a sense of entitlement to success in all aspects of life. This is not just anecdotal; it is a technical issue, deeply ingrained in our society.
But I believe there is hope. I am embarking on a new study, both practical and conceptual, to explore the possibility of creating a model that cultivates this level of consciousness regardless of circumstance or economic background.